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For the Usability module we were assigned to create an app of our choice.

I called the app I selected to design ‘ArConnect’ The app connects people in the arts and gives them an opportunity to collaborate. It is mainly aimed at college students involved in the arts but anyone involved in the artistic field could use it.

I have noticed that sometimes people involved in the arts are not particularly good at networking and can become a little isolated in their artform. I felt there was a gap in the market for an app such as ArConnect. ArConnect satisfied the brief to focus on interactions that would satisfy the user needs and goals. The user would aim to connect with other individuals in order to collaborate in the creation of art. An example would be a lyricist, a singer and a guitarist

I initially designed my first prototype of the site using a coloured background. I then thought further about this and decided that using a coloured background was not the greatest idea as it would make some words illegible or difficult for the user to understand. I also used blanks in my first prototype and didn’t use an actual user for filling in different sections of the app such as username and password. I decided for my second prototype to fill these in and use and actual user to allow the app to be more accessible and easier to understand when being shown to others.

Through user testing I realised what aspects of the design needed to be changed to make it more accessible and user friendly to my target audience. I had to ensure that the user could understand the app and the app had to satisfy the user needs and goals.

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